Discover Your Favorite Emojis

Explore Emojis That Start With Letters A-Z!

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🌟 Galaxy of Emojis

Looking for emojis that start with a specific letter? Click any letter below to explore emojis starting with A, B, C, and more!

πŸ€“ About EmojiStart

Welcome to EmojiStart, your go-to resource for finding emojis organized by their first letter! We've created this website with a simple goal in mind: to help you quickly find the perfect emoji for any situation.

Have you ever wanted to add a fun emoji to your message but couldn't remember where to find it? Our website solves this problem by organizing all common emojis alphabetically. Just click on any letter from A to Z, and you'll see all emojis that start with that letter.

We believe that simplicity is key, so we've kept our website clean and straightforward. No complicated features, no distractionsβ€”just emojis arranged by letter. When you find the emoji you want, simply click on it to copy it to your clipboard. Then you can paste it anywhere you want: in your texts, emails, social media posts, or documents.

Whether you're looking for animal emojis that start with "B" or food emojis that start with "P", our alphabetical arrangement makes finding the perfect emoji quicker than ever!

πŸ€” Frequently Asked Questions

How do I use this website?

Simply click on any letter in the A-Z grid on our homepage. This will take you to a page showing all emojis that start with that letter. When you find an emoji you like, click on it to copy it to your clipboard. Then you can paste it wherever you want!

How are emojis organized alphabetically?

Emojis are categorized based on their official Unicode names. For example, "πŸ¦…" is listed under "E" because its official name is "Eagle". This makes it easier to find emojis when you know what they represent.

Why can't I find certain emojis under the letter I expected?

Some emojis might be named differently than you expect. For instance, "πŸ‘¨β€βš•οΈ" isn't under "D" for doctor but under "M" for "Man Health Worker". If you can't find an emoji where you expect it, try using our search function.

How many emojis start with each letter?

The distribution varies greatly. Some letters like "F" (Face, Flag, Food) and "M" (Man, Moon, Music) have many emojis, while letters like "X" and "Q" have fewer. Our comprehensive collection ensures you'll find all available emojis for each letter.

Are all emojis available on every device?

No. Emoji support varies by platform (iOS, Android, Windows, etc.) and by software version. Some newer emojis may appear as empty boxes on older devices. The emojis on our website are displayed based on your current device's support.

How often do you update the emoji collection?

We update our collection whenever new emojis are officially added to the Unicode Standard. The Unicode Consortium typically releases new emojis once a year.

Can I suggest new features or report issues?

Absolutely! We value your feedback. While we aim to keep the site simple, we're always open to suggestions for improvement. Please use the Contact link in the footer to reach out to us.

How do I use emojis in professional communication?

Emojis can add a friendly touch to professional communication when used appropriately. For work emails or messages, it's best to use simple, clear emojis like "πŸ‘" or "βœ…" rather than elaborate or potentially confusing ones. Always consider your audience and the context.

What are the most popular emojis that start with each letter?

Based on global usage data, some of the most popular emojis include: "πŸ˜€" (Grinning Face) for "G", "❀️" (Heart) for "H", "πŸ˜‚" (Face with Tears of Joy) for "F", and "πŸ‘" (Thumbs Up) for "T". Visit our letter pages to discover the popularity of other emojis!

Do emojis look the same on all platforms?

No, emoji designs vary across platforms. For example, the "πŸ˜€" emoji looks slightly different on iOS, Android, and Windows devices, though the basic expression remains the same.